Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Northeast Delhi

Northeast Delhi is a very populated part of the city.  There are more than 29,000 people per sq kilometer!  According to an article on NPR that is only slightly more than Manhattan BUT Manhattan is a city full of high-rises where people are stacked up tens of stories high... Northeast Delhi is not...   Most buildings in Northeast Delhi have no more than 4 or 5 floors - so the people are crowded into a much smaller area - "The mosh pit of modern Indian life."   

"Most Americans know what it's like to be part of a sea of people at a rally or a rock concert.  It's exhilarating and exhausting, but sooner or later, it comes to an end.  The noise stops.  The people go home.  Now, try to imagine a place where the crush of people and the noise and motion never stop."

There are millions of people in this district of Delhi.... most of them do not have a relationship with Jesus!  Northeast Delhi is a very lost area!  Pray that house churches will spring up all over this district!!!  Pray that many people will come to a relationship with Jesus!!

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