Monday, November 16, 2009


Joyti is a faithful woman. She began going recently to a training in her neighborhood in West Delhi to learn about how to share her testimony and teach others about Jesus. When she first started going, she didn't have any confidence. Joyti and her 2 close friends can't read or write and have never been told that they could do anything besides just go to church. After just 3 weeks of learning how to share and learning Bible stories, Joyti came back with some exciting news!

Joyti and her 2 friends learned that they could do more than just go to church. They learned that they could share the Gospel with anyone and everyone they know and they also learned that they could teach Bible stories too. After just 3 weeks, they started a group in their house. They sing, pray and tell the Bible stories that they have learned. They now have at least 15 people meeting together weekly in Joyti's home! Praise the Lord for faithful people like Joyti! She is using what she knows and is sharing it! She is being faithful with what she has been given! Please pray for Joyti and other people like her in Delhi!

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