Friday, October 7, 2011


"Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus."  Acts 4:30
Throughout the Gospels and the book of Acts, God did many miraculous things through Jesus and through the disciples who were sent out in Jesus' name. Blind men were given sight, the crippled could walk, dead men and women were raised to live again, and thousands believed in the Most High.
Miraculous healings are one of the ways that people in India come to faith in Jesus after they see that He alone has the power to heal.
Please pray today that people in Delhi who are sick and in need would turn to the One and Only God. May they pray in Jesus' name alone and, upon seeing the results, give praise and worship to Him. 
Father, please use your healing power and your miraculous signs and wonders to capture the hearts of people in Delhi today.

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