Friday, April 2, 2010


Easter is a big opportunity for Christians all over the world! Please pray specifically for the Christians in Delhi! Pray that they don't just cloister within themselves to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, but that they will share the Good News with everyone around them. Most people in Delhi don't know the meaning of Easter (only that it's a Christian Holiday). Pray that Christians will share the true meaning of Easter with everyone around them!
Please pray specifically for Sanjay this Easter. He is inviting everyone in his village neighborhood to his house for Easter. He & his wife will be providing a meal for everyone there and telling them all about the true meaning of Easter. Please pray for him and his neighbors during this time! Pray that they will learn about the true meaning of Easter and learn about how to have a relationship with Jesus. Please also pray that Sanjay and his family will be blessed this Easter!

Happy Resurrection Day!

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