Sunday, April 11, 2010


Many people in Delhi are starving. They are starving in many different ways. The most obvious way is starving from lack of food. Many people in Delhi go to bed hungry because they don't have enough money for food. Please pray for these people that deal with hunger pangs on a daily basis and even die from lack of food and nourishment.

The other ways that people are starving is spiritually. There are MILLIONS in Delhi that don't know Jesus or even know who he is! Most people in Delhi know that there are Christians in Delhi but don't know anything about what Christians believe. They don't know anything about Jesus and how he can fill their lives in a way food or things like that never can! Please pray for the people that are out there that are seeking! Pray that someone will tell them about Jesus! Pray that they will get the chance to learn about Jesus!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled"
Matthew 5:6

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