Friday, October 8, 2010

CWG - Christian Athletes - part 2

Photo from
Today's Prayer Point
- There are many Christian athletes that are participating in the Commonwealth Games. One of those athlete is Nick Willis. Nick is participating in Athletic in the CWG. He says: "My faith is not so that I run faster; it's just what I believe to be the truth. I believe in Jesus Christ, that He died on a cross, and rose again three days later. This is what gives me hope, inspiration and motivation."
Pray for Nick and other Christian athletes during the CWG. Pray that him and the other Christians athletes are bold in sharing their faith with other athletes. Pray that they share with Indian athletes and that many Indians come to a relationship with Jesus!! Nick and the other Christian athletes can reach people that other people in Delhi can't. They have opportunities to reach and share with the other athletes that are here at the games! Pray for opportunities for them and Boldness!

Everyday Prayer Points
- Pray for Christians of Delhi to be bold in sharing their faith with people in Delhi during the Commonwealth Games.
- Pray for Wisdom, Safety & Fruitfulness of the Christians as they share with those around them.
- Pray that many people come to have a relationship with Jesus during this week at the Commonwealth Games! Pray for changed lives!

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