Wednesday, October 13, 2010

CWG - Trainings & Discipleship

Today's Prayer Point
- Many offices and most schools are closed during the Commonwealth Games, so many people are free during the Commonwealth Games. Because many people are free, there are a lot of trainings and discipleship meetings taking place in churches all over Delhi! Please pray that this is a fruitful time for the churches of Delhi! Pray that many people in these meetings catch the vision for Church Planting and sharing the Gospel with their friends and neighbors! Pray that Christians of Delhi come to understand the Big Picture of the Gospel! Pray for understanding as they go through these trainings! Pray for boldness to do what they have learned!

Everyday Prayer Points
- Pray for Christians of Delhi to be bold in sharing their faith with people in Delhi during the Commonwealth Games.
- Pray for Wisdom, Safety & Fruitfulness of the Christians as they share with those around them.
- Pray that many people come to have a relationship with Jesus during this week at the Commonwealth Games! Pray for changed lives!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

These updates are great. Thanks for giving us clear descriptions of what to lift up.