Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CWG - Workers & Durga Puja

Today's Prayer Point
- There are many workers temporarily here in Delhi for the Commonwealth Games. They are here constructing Games Venues, fixing and repairing the Games venues, and doing many other jobs before and during the CWG. Many of them will leave Delhi after the games to go back to their home states and villages. Pray that Christians share with these workers. Pray for many new believers among these workers. Pray for the workers as they leave Delhi and go back to their homes. Pray that they bring the Gospel with them and share with their friends and families. They can bring the Gospel to places that are very hard to reach! Pray for these workers here in Delhi! Pray that the Gospel spreads across India and South Asia because of people sharing at the Commonwealth Games!

Everyday Prayer Points
- Pray for Christians of Delhi to be bold in sharing their faith with people in Delhi during the Commonwealth Games.
- Pray for Wisdom, Safety & Fruitfulness of the Christians as they share with those around them.
- Pray that many people come to have a relationship with Jesus during this week at the Commonwealth Games! Pray for changed lives!

Navratri & Durga Puja
Navratri began on Friday and Durga Puja begins today. These holidays are usually celebrated with a lot of pomp and excitement. Because of the Commonwealth Games, they are only allowed to have small celebrations for these holidays until after the Games are finished. Usually there are about 400 registered pujas (worship times) in Delhi. People will be worshiping the goddess Durga during this time. The name "Durga" in Sanskrit means: "the inaccessible" or "the invincible." Please pray for those that are worshiping Durga during this time. Help them to see that she is inaccessible. Please pray that Christians of Delhi will share Jesus with them! Help them to show and tell how they can have a personal relationship with Jesus! Pray that many Hindus will come to Jesus at this time!

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